Josh Merrill is the Sports Pastor at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Los Angeles, Ca. In January 2006, after enjoying a six-year professional basketball career over-seas, Josh came to Shepherd to help run and develop the new Sports Ministry. Today, the Sports Ministry (also known as Shepherd Sports) has over 3,000 people come through its adult, youth programs, health & fitness and club programs each year. Josh's passion continues to be using sports to share the LOVE of JESUS with people.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Our newest member...
Monday, December 21, 2009's that easy
Monday, December 7, 2009
Moving Mountains
Monday, November 30, 2009
Dodge, duck, dive, dip & dodge

Thursday, November 19, 2009
The NEW Sport Wing

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Champs again...
Team N.W.O. has gone five seasons and two years without a Championship. To say we were due is an understatement. Although we have had some tough losses and some not so memorial seasons, all the guys that have come and gone have been a blessing to play with.
Dudley and Tan have been with the team from the beginning and we are definitely proud of this most recent Championship. On previous teams we were able to get by on being bigger and more skilled but our league has grown and with it the level of competition has gotten really good. I am proud of the league and the direction its heading and am also proud of this group of guys for pulling together so we can call our self's CHAMPS again.
Shepherd Sports next season starts in January...Including our first ever Women's division. Check it out:
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What can tall do for you...

I have spent most my life being a head taller then most of those around me...on more then one occasion i have been called a tree...both in a funny way and also in not so funny ways. As you can see by this years halloween costume i believe it is better to poke some fun at your self once in a while. To often we try to hide who are as Christians because we think those around us expect us to act in a certain way. I believe we need to let God shine through us in all we all settings... in all walks of life. In no way am i perfect at this, although i strive to never hide who God has called me to be, and God has definitely called me to be tall and there is no hiding that.
What has God called you to be?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Live a REAL life...
To often we want to only remain comfortable...God has called you to do something great. Step out in faith and reach for the stars, God is there to catch you when you fall.
Friday, October 23, 2009
A lot of TALL dudes...

FYI: Miles is like 6'3
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Donovan is ONE
Friday, October 9, 2009
Dominican Celebration
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Softball Ministry
Monday, September 28, 2009
When no one's watching...
These are the questions we all ask ourselves from time to time, but perhaps not often enough. Every day we are confronted with little decisions that affect those around us, our friendships, our marriage and most importantly our walk with God. If you think about it deeper, we should all be more concerned with those decisions we make every day that might seem small, but essentially make up who we are. These actions and or responses to life can come and go without us ever knowing they were there. Why are we not more focused and aware of these things?
I think we would all agree that life comes at us fast, and sometimes, in the whirlwind, we have comprised something that is important to us before we even realize it. Just as the Bible says that our mouths speak from the overflow of our hearts, I believe many of our actions stem from the same place. What are our hearts overflowing with? Are we seeking our own personal gain or that which God might desire from our lives? Is living your life according to God's will important or not? If it is, then these small decisions and choices we make every day will be a priority as we make sure we represent Christ to the fullest. Time spent with God and in His word causes the overflow of our mouth and actions to stem from a holy place and not a worldly place.
Below is a letter I recently received from a buddy I have known on the basketball court for over 20 years. We have played both against each other and together. Although we never hung out much off the court, we spent countless hours together playing ball together and as rivals. Recently my old friend found me on facebook and sent me this letter. I don't often get emotional put this letter showed me proof of God working in and through me. I haven't seen this guy in probably five or six years, so what he is referring to is the first two to three years of my walk with Jesus Christ. The point is, we never know who is watching or is being affected by the way we lead our life.
I pray all of our actions and decisions would be based on His eternal Kingdom and not our own earthly desires or pleasures.
What’s up man! Wow! You have been on my mind for the longest time and I'll try to make this short! Well first things are great: I’m getting my Masters in Sports Science, I'm the assistant coach at a college, and doing some non-profit stuff for kids, got married in August of this last year, so things are good.
Ok, let me get to the meat…I remember way back when, when people would tell me Josh has changed; he is all into the Lord. It was strange to me at the time I truly didn’t understand. I had different friends that so called changed because God came into their lives but I didn’t get it.
The last time I saw you we were playing on the same basketball team…I had asked you to play in this men’s league and all I can remember was my hot temper...everyone knows I get heated playing hoops and I was cussing and fussing. lol Well, I have been working on that :)
What I am trying to say is I didn’t get it until it happened to me! I didn’t get how you changed your life around and how you felt about God until it happened to me. It was 2006 at the ________ Church when I gave myself to Christ and it's been the best thing that’s happened to me.You know me!
You have played with and against me and Josh, I finally get it and I am glad God gave me the time to get it. My wife now runs the ____________ ministry at the ________ Church and after she started attending church with me. Now she is working with the Pastor on this huge ministry and she is touching so many women’s lives; yep, God is good I have so many great stories since He saved me.
My friend, what I want to say to you is “I get it”! I respect you so much and you are not crazy! People use to tell me something was wrong with you! Yeah, imagine that! You have done a great job by leading by example and I appreciate that. I bet we both have our struggles and trust me I am far from perfect but now it’s not about me! It’s about God! Brotha, you have been on my mind and I just had to find you and tell you thank you! When I didn’t understand it, it was because I was lost...but now I do :) keep in touch! If you are ever here in _______ and want to shoot some hoops or go to church let me know.
Whoops my bad, longer then I intended…I hope all is well with you and the family…how are you doing?
Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Opening Doors...

While on our trip to the Dominican Republic this past August, I was fortunate enough to play against the D.R. National Team. Through a connection with the mission organization in the D.R. they some how got this white boy on the court with the locals. It was a fun experience although not a good one basketball wise. The team I played with was the second string to the D.R. Olympic Team that we played against and we had no team chemistry and got beat by a ton. It was so bad, that at one point as one of my three pointers was literately falling through the hoop my own player knocked it out. (legal in international rules, but still cold in any country)
Through it all; it was a good time and in the end we hopefully got Fransisco Garcia an NBA starter for the Sacramento Kings connected with G.O. Ministries. (The organization that we worked with in the D.R.) God sure work's in mysterious way's.
Friday, August 28, 2009
6 Years...
Thanks honey...for being the best wife I could of ever asked for. The new toy is also awesome.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Dominican Republic 2009
Here is a great video of our trip to the Dominican this past Month. The video gives you a little taste of what our time in the D.R. was like. However, nothing compares to actually being there. If your watching this and have never been on a short term mission trip, I hope you will consider joining us next year...enjoy.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
We're Back!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Pray, Pray, Pray, Pray, Pray...
On Tuesday morning August fourth we have a group of 12 leaving for the Dominican Republic on our first ever sports related missions trip. This personally has been a big under-taking and now that we are ready to go, it makes it all worth it. I can not wait for the experience and to see how God moves through all of us. If you get a chance over the next week please pray for the myself and the team.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Camp Life
Friday, July 24, 2009
City League Champs
On Wednesday this last week our Shepherd Sports city league softball team was able to capture it's first ever Championship. This group of guys are a huge blessing to me and the Sports Ministry. All of the guys pictured above serve as Captains or Volunteers for our Shepherd League and it was so enjoyable to gather every week with these guys to fellowship and play ball. I'm going to miss Wednesday nights at the park. Thanks guys for a great season and for all you do to serve the Lord through this ministry.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
So Close...
Monday, July 13, 2009
getting old
Shepherd Sports started its first ever soccer league last night and no I didn’t play goalie. From all accounts last night was a big success. The Jerseys looked awesome and we now have 90 new members of Shepherd Sports through the sport of Soccer…Praise God. I see a big future for this sport and can’t wait to see where God moves.
If you missed signing up for this season we will be starting another league in January. Some advice: start training know for January as indoor soccer might be one of the most physically challenging sports I have ever played. Then again it might just because I let 20 years past between playing.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Who thinks of this stuff...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Soccer anyone...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How to start every day...
From: GOD
Reference: LIFE
This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day. I love you. And, remember.... If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now. Now, you have a nice day.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Soccer Camp update...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Surf's Up
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Summer Sports at Shepherd...