BACK ROW: Alfonzo, Kareem, Sidney, Me, Idel
FRONT ROW: Mike, Rolo, Cesar
This past weekend I was invited to play in the 2nd Annual Fight Against Cancer Basketball Tournament. I was reluctant at first since the weekends are usually my time to get away from sports and hang with the fam. However, my inner child couldn't help but get excited about playing basketball all weekend.
What my inner child doesn't realize is that my body is in its 30's and doesn't like to play that much basketball. However, the inner child won out as I ended up playing six games in less than 48 hours. After getting beat by 40 in the first game, I was doubting what I had gotten myself into. I give a lot of credit to these seven guys on my team because after that blowout, our team really hit a nice stride and we came back and won the whole tournamnet. We redeemed ourselves by beating the two best teams, including the team that had beat us by 40 in the opening game.
I am only now getting over the soreness from the weekend. I want to thank all the guys for letting this old man run with the young guns. It was a fun weekend that reminded me why I love sports so much, and although the winning is fun, it's ultimately the commraderie and friendships that are being formed when everyone is striving for the same goal. We were not the most talented in this tournament, but we by far played the best team ball and it showed as we beat teams much more athletic and skilled than us.