Friday, February 19, 2010

Golf update...

As most people know we run a big Golf Tournament every Spring as a Fundraiser for Shepherd Sports. This day is always a blessing and a time that God has always shined upon all that we do here within the ministry. This one event has allowed us to offer scholarships throughout the year for all our programs and has helped us grow in ways we wouldn't have otherwise been able to. This Golf Tournament is essential to our growth and all we do in the ministry.

Although the day in itself is a huge blessing the months leading up to the day can be rigorous and stressing. There is so much that goes into running a golf tournament and then you add the fundraising aspect and it turns into a full time job for the 4 months leading up to the tournament. I am currently in the midst of the storm...however, I am blessed to announce that we have formed a GOLF COMMITTEE and what a blessing these men and women are going to be. I am excited to watch this group of people network and find news ways to maximize our fundraising efforts.

I had a chance last week to actually swing a few with a some of our Golf Members. As you can see from the video, i need here is what i'm asking: If your a golfer send me some tips on my swing, but more important then my swing, I am asking for people to step up and join our new Golf Committee. Please email me with either as both my swing and our fundraiser could use you. Bonus points if you can name the course and the hole we're on.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Team First...

The Worlds Greatest Sports Staff...this was taken at our weekly team meeting today. This weekly time is always a time of refreshment and growth for me, as the staff and I are always seeking ways to better lead people towards Christ. I am blessed to have these three in my life and it doesn't hurt that they constantly make me look good and keep me laughing.