Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Time to Celebrate...

As we enter the Christmas season it also represents another year in the books. To celebrate this year we are hosting a Leadership Dinner for all or our Coaches, Captains and Volunteers. As we approach December, 20th...I'm getting more and more excited. Although we communicate and work together all year long with our Sports Ministry Leaders, it is rare we all get to gather in the same place. I am excited to celebrate with everyone (secret recap video is being made) and looking ahead at what we can accomplish through sports for the Kingdom in this city.

If you've been involved with us over the past year as a volunteer of any kind, please SAVE THE DATE...my desire is to gather the heart of the ministry together for one fun night of celebration, and if that doesn't get you excited to come...then come for the free food and some cool give-aways. The evite should arrive in your inbox sometime next week. Make sure to RSVP, the deadline is December, 16. If for some reason you do not receive an invite and have been apart of Shepherd Sports then please contact Emily so we can make sure you get your invitation.

I would also like to extend an invitation to anyone looking or interested in getting involved with Shepherd Sports. We want you to come and enjoy the night and see how you might get involved with Sports and Ministry in 2011.

Emily North:
818-831-9333 x234

Sunday, November 21, 2010

with CHANGE comes GROWTH

With growth comes change and with change can come new problems and new problems can create out of control turmoil and so on and so on. As people we are often so in tune with our own lives that a little distraction or speed bump can send us spiraling for some solid ground. Most of us enjoy the comforts we have created for ourselves and we often times go to great lengths to keep these margins of comfort at whatever cost.

I am all too guilty of this, and God often reminds me we we’re not called to be comfortable with our own Christian bubble. As a ministry leader this issue can magnify it self in many different ways. Over the years God has blessed Shepherd Sports but that doesn’t mean we haven’t faced our own trials along the way. I believe the only way to sometimes achieve growth is through trials…and to achieve growth sometimes God is calling us to change. If we’re standing still, we can often get to comfortable with what we currently have. If I have learned anything, it is that all we have can be gone in an instant. The bubble we create of worldly comforts can be here today and gone tomorrow. This is, except our faith and relationship with God.

At Shepherd Sports I have story after story of speed bumps we have faced along our journey, each one creating new opportunities and chance for growth. I believe this is how we must face obstacles in our life. God is always using a facet of different things to get our attention and on the surface these uncomfortable issues can seem negative and sometimes downright awful. However, we must rest on God’s word that He will not leave or forsake us and He promises to provide for us.

Lets take what comes our way and grow, learn and become better at what we do and whom we are. We must seek God in these decisions but we must look for ways to grow. By taking the glass as half full and the truth that God wants good things for us, our outlook on change should be that of excitement of what God is going to do next in our lives.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time Matters

2011 in the making

Every year I like to take a few days and get away from the daily grind and my regular schedule to focus on the upcoming year. This year I was fortunate to have a friend offer me his cabin in Big Bear. As someone who loves to snowboard it was torture at times to be in Big Bear with no board and no snow. I can't remember the last time I was in Big Bear to do anything except Snowboard. However, the solitude and minimal distractions was just what I needed. During the week I also managed to go without t.v., (also torture with the World Series on) and no car for several days.

Somewhat forcing my self to take a week out of my normal life was a little difficult at first because it is out of my usual busy schedule. However, after a day or two, I really began to enjoy the quit walks, crackling fireplace and hot coffee with my books. This time is always so refreshing and gives me time to really seek the vision for Shepherd Sports, my staff and the volunteers that serve so faithfully. Above is a picture of a desk calendar that I rip off and put up on the wall to stare at all week. I spend time in pray, planning and trying to implement new ideas for the coming year. The picture above is an empty version before anything goes up...the same calendar now sits in my office full of events, leagues and classes for 2011. Although only pieces of paper, i always see each event or league we run as people who need a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. It makes this time so rewarding because when we get to look back at the lives we changed the time and commitment will be worth every second.

Looking back on my week of solitude was very eye opening to realize the time we spend on things that are not of the Kingdom...the time we waste on the internet or watching t.v. or just getting up and going somewhere because its easy and gives us something to do. As Americans I believe this to be true of most of us, including myself. We have so much at our fingertips that we can fill entire days, weeks and even years of our life up with stuff that means nothing in scope of eternity.

Ask your self these questions: How much t.v. did I watch this week? How many hours did i play video games this week? How long did i go without checking my emails, getting on my phone, texting, seeing who hit me up on facebook? Our attention span has shortened and in turn shortened the time we spend with our Creator. As much as we all plan on spending time with God, reading a book that going to help our marriages or help our kids...life always seems to take over. Things that are important to God should be important to us and therefore should take precedent over video games, t.v. shows, internet and our facebook status. Try unplugging yourself, set Godly priorities, take a good look at what fills your day, week and year and know that God is calling all of us to take a quit walk with Him, everyday.

How important is God to you?
Who's leading your life?
Who are you letting fill up your calendar?
How important is your spouse?
How important our your kids?
What's really important in the scope of the eternal kingdom???????????