Below is a letter I sent to a couple I've been counseling. This letter initially started off as an update to everything this couple has been going through...however, after re-reading the letter I though it would be good to share. It is a reminder for me and all of us to be conscious in the things God is doing in and through our lives everyday. Im praying you will be encouraged as you read.
Hi u 2,
I enjoyed our time last night and hearing about how God is moving in each one of you. I am excited to see what God has in store for you individually and together as you bring your son up in the way of the Lord. Although we don't have a set meeting time to get together again…I want you both to feel free to call or email with any concerns or problems. You must realize our relationship with God requires a effort everyday. We CAN NOT let our guard down. We must pick up God's word everyday and strive to improve and draw closer to Him. I promise that you will have difficult days ahead…I don't say this to discourage you, but to prepare you. It is how you respond to these difficult times that will make or break your relationship with God and with each other. Strive to be better, die to yourself each day and be sure to do never give up…no matter how bad things may seem. Seeking what God has for your life will never leave you feeling empty. You have a new freedom in Christ as you seek this re-commitment to God…don't be held down by the things of this world or old traps that used to set you back.
Of course, all these things are easier said then done. However, with God and a heart that seeks after Him…all things are possible. It is through the trails of life and our most difficult times that we grow the most. Just look at the last month as you struggled with each other and now through hard work and your commitment to God and each other, you have come out stronger on the other side. It is within these difficult times that we learn to make the proper decisions and show God our faith and love for Him. Simple, yes…but it is something that must be executed to see real growth in God and His plan for your life.
I am praying for you both…as you embark on this new commitment to God, His word and plan for your life. Take one day at a time and strive to better each one. Whether you realize it or not, your re-dedication to the Lord is a monumental decision in your life and one that should not be taken lightly. Im proud of the steps you've taken and the growth I've already seen in each of you. I am excited to hear of the miraculous things God is going to do in the months and years ahead.
In Love,