Friday, June 26, 2009

Soccer Camp update...

The campers being silly at picture time
The little campers playing with Coach Charles
Getting ready for the next drill
Aliens will least one camper is prepared

We just finished are last day of Soccer Camp today...and what a week. I wish I could take credit for the camp but all the credit goes to our Youth Sports Director Charles and his team of volunteers. Everyday of camp was filled with fun and exciting games and ways to keep all the kids engaged in learning the sport of soccer. Of course Popsicles and water balloons make any summer camp a fun experience.

A thank you for all the coaches, volunteers and parents who helped make Soccer Camp a memorable one. We still have Basketball, Volleyball and Surf Camp coming up this summer and we still need volunteers and coaches. If you're interested in bringing your child or volunteering please contact us, we would love to talk to you.

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