Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Donovan is ONE

Donovan at his dedication with Pastor D.

I can't believe our boy turns one today...wow, how time flies. It was a year ago that the fires raged through the hills of Porter Ranch and my wife went into labor while working that morning. It was a day that we will never forget...for many reasons including the wild ride to the hospital.
I am beyond blessed with my family and I thank God everyday for the health of my family. God blesses us in so many ways that are so often not seen. Our human nature is to want things that are tangible and we to often forget to look at how God is moving in our lives. God moves in ways that we will never see but He also moves in ways that we will only notice if were looking for them. Have you stopped and counted your blessing lately??? Would you expect to see God move if you haven't prayed for you family???
Thank you God for the protection and guidance you show me everyday, may I never take you for granted and may I always seek you in all I do...so I might become a stronger/greater man of for you. May I never forget that all we have is from you. Please protect and bless my family and give me guidance in leading us in all you would have us do...AMEN

1 comment:

Ray Marsh said...

Love this question..."Would you expect to see God move if you haven't prayed for you family???"