Monday, December 7, 2009

Moving Mountains

Often times God leads us to places we would of never thought. As I spent time this morning praying for my staff, it got me to thinking of all the different places we come from. My wife and I moved here four years ago from San Diego and we both thought we would never leave Americas finest city. Charles our Youth Sports Director comes from everywhere as it seems he has some family in every state east of the Mississippi. Matt our Adult Sports Director comes from Washington and originally moved out here to pursue acting and has now found himself in full time ministry. Emily our Health & Fitness Coordinator comes from Minnesota the land of the Vikings. We love her anyways.

My vision this morning is that God can move mountains...just as He did with our sports staff here at Shepherd. Four years ago there was no such thing as a Sports Ministry at this church and now we sit with four full time employees who four years ago either lived in another part of the world or had a totally different career path. God worked and moved in each of us to prepare us for this time and this ministry.

God has plans for each of us. The question is, are we heading those plans and submitting to the ONE who is capable of moving mountains. Don't get so settled in that we stop looking for God to move in our lives...don't get so complacent that we think we have life and God figured out...don't stop pursuing God, His word and His plan for your life. He's waiting to move you.

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