Monday, March 22, 2010

Playing Catch up...

There is no doubt I have been slacking on my blog posts. I do enjoy sharing about what’s happening here at Shepherd Sports and occasionally sharing about my life. However, the business of the season has kept me from writing as much…so ill attempt to make up for lost time :)

Our biggest hurdle has been the addition of our online registrations and although this new resource is a huge blessing, there are a lot of trials and work that goes into running these new programs. We are blessed with a great IT department and we have all been working hard to make this process as easy as we can for anyone looking to sign up online. Tonight we are getting ready to launch our Fall Boot Camp Class, which always proves to be a huge turnout. We are wrapping up our Winter Basketball League as well as winding down our other adult winter sports. We are also in the middle of our 2010 golf tournament and although its still over a month away, we have tons of work to do in order to run a successful tournament. If you love to golf, you don’t want to miss this day. Save the Date: April 29.

On a personal note, I am currently down and out with a bad sprain of my ankle. It’s not broken but I was hobbled with crutches and now a good limp follows me everywhere I go. For those that know me, understand what agony this is for me, as I love to be active and involved in as many sports as possible. However, I remain in good spirits, as I know God has a plan for this time in my life. I ask for your prayers that my ankle would recover in a miraculous way and there would be no permanent damage.

As the whole church gets ready for EASTER I hope we all are seeking out people to invite to church. This time of year is a great opportunity to invite those around you to attend church service, as most people are more open about going to church at Easter time. It’s time to get out of our comfort zone and time to help those around us see and understand who JESUS really is...may all those around you recognize these things in you.

In Love, Josh

It's been tough sitting out our coed-softball league this Winter. I miss my friends and the fellowship of this league. I can't wait for summer leauge.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life Imitates Sports

I was going through some old emails as i have been preparing for our upcoming golf fundraiser in April and i came across this email... Thought it was worth sharing... enjoy, Josh

Why God Created Golf

I want to talk to the people that don’t play golf and help you understand why God created Golf and why you should encourage people to play Golf

God wanted men to understand His kingdom (he knew it would be hard for them) so he created Golf

Another chance = Mulligan

Ask for Forgiveness = Yell 4

Golf teaches outreach = invite 3 other guys

Teaches faith and to expect miracles = hit a club that you know that you can’t reach the green with

Prayer = please let me make this putt

Teaches us to have quiet time = when others are hitting 400 times a round

Teaches to sacrifice to God = hit a ball in the water, woods, or I don’t know were it went

We get to see all that God has created = never hit the ball in the fairway

It is easier to get to heaven if you follow the straight and narrow = fairway and stay out of the sand traps

Heaven = just get on the green you have done the minimum/// closer to the pin the better your works

Teach us to help each other with brotherly advice = don’t hit the ball there again

Sand trap = a taste of hell

Thanking God = your ball is on the green

Talk to God = How did that happen

To be of service = Get other guys club or tend the flag

Teaches us grace = great shoot or your ball is over their behind the tree

Parable =God tells Jesus to create a game to teach about the Kingdom so He will not have to keep explaining the parables to the disciples

Grace = the farthest away or weakest shot, hits next //your friends will quote the scripture for you (it’s still your turn)