Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not bad for a city boy

Last Saturday the staff and I invited some of the men involved in our ministry for a little out of city experience. We ventured up the 5 freeway past Magic Mountain to a gun range that I couldn't find again, if I had to. We spent most of Saturday learning how to shoot a rifle the good old fashion way. Not that old fashion, but we did learn allot about our heritage and what happened on April, 19 1875. If you don't know that date, it is worth looking up. This gun range is run by a group called "Appleseed" and they teach history while also teaching marksmanship. Very fascinating, but the highlight is still shooting that gun.

As our ministry has grown it has been a great pleasure getting to know all the leaders within the ministry. It has also become a major part of what we do here at Shepherd Sports. Young or old, we all need direction and discipleship. With the added volunteers and leaders within Shepherd Sports, it has been both a challenge and a reward to watch people grow in there walk. Shooting guns is just part of the fun, but adding power to someone's quiver for the Lord is where the real joy lies.

A BIG thank you to Bob Zio for taking his time out to teach us a little about our History...oh yeah, did I mention how fun it was to shoot those riles. You can check Bob's and Appleseed's website here: www.appleseedinfo.org

1 comment:

mattireton said...

For a city boy....