Yes, its football season...FINALLY. For those of you that are football fans, the excitement of a new season is always fun. As much as I love football season (Chargers and Packers to be exact) it amazes me at the value we put on sports and especially football in this country. As much fun as sports are to play, watch and coach…the position that sports and football has taken within this country is somewhat disturbing.
Hey, my life has revolved around sports for many years and even today my job title has the word sports in it. However, as a man of God the importance of sports must never trump or take the place that God has in our lives. Do we miss church to catch the game, do we skip reading our word in the morning to organize our fantasy football team. We cannot serve two masters…For God to be your Lord; He must be first in all we do. Does that mean we shy away from and shun all things sports? My simple answer is no, however the real answer is all in priorities.
I am obviously bias when it comes to combing sports and God, as it is not only my job but also my passion. As we can easily see from the beginning of the 2010 football season, Americans love football. So rather then assume football is not something God would want us involved in, why don’t we use people’s love of football and reach out to them right where they are.
Shepherd Sports is set up to be that vessel for you to use sports as an avenue to share the bigger picture of a personal relationship with Jesus. A place to play, coach or volunteer in hopes of using sports for something greater then our own personal enjoyment. Sports are often seen as something un-spiritual because it involves being physical and not cerebral. In today’s society and the country we live in, Sports might be the biggest tool we have to reach out to this lost and dying world who so often put things like sports in front of God. With sports being so popular in this country, it just seems like the perfect fit to reach out to those around us. So if you love it, use it. If Jesus is your Lord, then sports can simply be a physical vehicle to deliver the spiritual message of the cross to those around you.
For all you men that love football we have a new season starting this Saturday. …so call a friend and sign up today:
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