Monday, April 12, 2010

Just Hanging

Dono & Dud at Easter

With Easter behind us and our 4th annual golf tournament just around the corner (april, 29) the family and I are in the midst of getting away for a few days. With a 18 month old boy running around there is never a dull moment and the time I get hanging with the family is always refreshing

A round or two of golf always helps and after being out of commission for over a month with a badly sprained ankle, doing anything competitive is good for my spirit :) I have had to slow down over the last month or so with my ankle and the extra time has been good to get a few projects done and spend some more time with the family. I believe I am still a few weeks away from getting back into any real running or playing. Please pray that there is nothing serious with my ankle and that I would be able to return with no permanent issues.

When I return we are preparing for our big golf tournament push...I am blessed with all the support for this years tourney. We have created a new golf committee and they have stepped up beyond my expectations and I can't wait to see the results for this years fundraiser. If you golf or would like to come experience the dinner & auction don't forget to sign up before the deadline of April, 25. We have tons of raffle and auction items that all benefit what we do in the sports ministry. We would love to have you be apart of what were doing. We hope to see you there.

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