Monday, December 29, 2008

Our newest member...

Emily, me, and Charles

It has been my dream and prayer since starting here at Shepherd to build and grow leaders who desire to use their gifts in sports to minister to others. Over the years, we have found a lot of men and women who fit this category and bless me every day with their service to the ministry. Our newest staff member has been serving as our Softball Coordinator since we started a year and half ago. Matt Ireton has come a long way in his faith and commitment to the Lord, and we are all excited about him becoming a full-time staff member of Shepherd Sports.

Matt will be overseeing all of our adult sports programs and focusing on the ministry of our captains and leaders within these leagues. As Matt and his family prepare for God's new calling on their lives, will you pray with me for the following:

  • That the transition would be smooth and easy...
  • God would continue to protect the Ireton family...
  • God would lead and guide Matt in this new position of leadership...
  • That Matt would bless all those he comes in contact with him...

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